Wednesday, December 21, 2011

5 pounds down!

So last week I found out I lost a little over five pounds. I was thrilled but a little worried. After all this is the week of Christmas and that means tons of food. I've been playing with my points this week decreasing the amount I eat and then increasing the next day in the hopes of keeping my metabolism working. Today was my biggest challenge. We had a holiday party at work and the smorgasbord of food was overwhelming.

Even so, I planned to eat as healthy as possible. I piled on the raw veggies and fruit and planned on eating the turkey another  person brought in. Unfortunately, another co-worker brought in burgers from the In-N-Out Burger across from our building. I didn't feel I could turn it away since it was one of the few items that couldn't be packed up and reheated. Also, it was presented to me as a gift and not a food option.

I ate it and it was pretty good. But for 13 points it was hardly worth it. The rest of the day I ate smarter and piled on the power veggies and fruits. I realize that life is always going to throw me challenges and that I'm going to have to deal with it. Today I think I did pretty well and I hope I continue to do so in the future.

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