Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 2

So hello again,

It is my second week on Weight Watchers and I am mildly surprised. I lost another pound.  But I can't say I wasn't hoping for a little more. After all, I lost roughly three and a half pounds the first week. If I have to be honest I got a little ahead of myself and was hoping to lose that same amount this week.

But, before I got on the scale I decided that I needed to be happy with the result as long as I hadn't gained. The road to weight loss and my ultimate goal is going to be hard. And possibly long. If it's going to be a lifetime goal and change the results and the work can't be a quick fix. So when I found out I lost a pound I smiled and rewarded myself by sharing the news.

In the meeting I learned a few things that will help in the coming holiday and I plan to put them to use. I will eat off a smaller plate and choose wisely. I will move more instead of going into a turkey coma. I will work to lose weight and not let myself go overboard with holiday cheer.

I will meet my goal this time around!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello Weight Watchers My Old Friend

I decided to rejoin Weight Watchers and adjust my attitude. I had been counting calories at home on my own but cheated more often than not. With the program I don't have to feel guilty about eating ice cream.That doesn't mean that I can eat junk food all day in my points range. Well, I guess I could but I would just be shooting myself in the foot.

Anyway, during my first week I lost 3.6 lbs. I am quite surprised considering how my last try went. But I am happy. I'm going to continue working out and counting my points. I've decided to change the way I think about losing weight too. Instead of only focusing on the number on the scale I am going to focus on how my body feels.

It's only a beginning but I can say I pushed myself more this week than I have in quite a while. My body is sore and tired but I feel so good. I ate less but I didn't deprive myself. When I wanted a piece of candy I had a piece and tracked the points. I limited myself to a piece and didn't waste anytime feeling guilty. As a result of knowing I could have what I wanted I found I wanted less.  And that felt good.

I still have 31.4 lbs  to go and I am not going to quit working the program until I am at my goal. So maybe Weight Watchers is clicking for me after all.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

If You Are What You Eat...

I guess I am a chocolate filled pastry and coffee. I know, I know junk food is bad for the waistline. But I really do try. I try until I get bored, and then I eat, and then I get discouraged. The cycle is recycled. These past few weeks haven't been stressful. Not because I am busy. Far from it. There just has been a lot of changes in my life.

I've closed the door on graduate school as my thesis did not seem to have an end. And I started a new job. It's not that demanding but it has its pressures. Food is how I deal. I need a better way to deal. I was thinking about that today as I walked my dog. My husband is notorious for running off the stress. I think the endorphin high is a perk. I enjoy walking the dog. But I am not sure that trying to get my dog to stop chasing squirrels as we walk is going to make me enjoy it enough to get an endorphin high.

I try lunges, crunches, and rows but that just feels like work. To get through it I sometimes swear at my husband. He thinks the idea of my prim and proper self cursing through crunches is the best way to get a little comic relief. I asked my husband why he works so hard at exercising. Aside from the physical results, it gives him time to just be himself without pressure, and it makes him feel good. So it seems I am on a search to find an exercise routine that I can love. A routine that helps the endorphins rise and gets me to want to keep doing it. I have always wanted to try rock climbing, just a thought.